- Under traditional education, blind children go to these schools to learn braille and basic scientific and cultural knowledge. 根据传统的教育模式,盲童进入这类学校学习盲文和基本的科学文化知识。
- Education in kindergarten is a basis of basic education and the early scientific education of infants is a fundamentality to improve the national scientific quality. 幼儿园教育是基础教育的基础,及早地对幼儿实施科学教育是提高民族科学素质的根本所在。
- The basic scientific problem of wetland agriculture in the Sanjiang Plain. 三江平原湿地农业的基本科学问题。
- Baathist secularism promoted such modernising trends as inter-faith marriage and scientific education. 复兴党的世俗性也推动了伊拉克朝现代化方向发展,比如跨宗教通婚和科学教育。
- The basic scientific knowledge for addressing this problem is already in the chemical literature. 在化学文献中已经介绍了这个问题的基本科学知识。
- Why Build a Network about Introduction of Sustainable Development into Scientific Education? 在科学技术教育中建立一个对学科发展起支撑作用的网络?
- Sanxingdui was named the Scientific Education Base for China's Youth in March this year. 今年三月,三星堆遗址被指定为中国青年科教基地。
- Traditionally, through centuries, Britain has been a world leader in basic scientific research. 几个世纪以来,在基础科学研究方面英国一直在世界上领先,这已成为传统。
- Mid-stream research is a pivotal step between basic scientific research and its commercial application. 中游研究是将基本科研成果转化为商品的关键环节。
- What Kind of Scientific Education Should Be Given to the Middle School Students? 应给中学生以什么样科学素质?
- Advances were realized in the fields of travel literature, cartography and geography, and scientific education. 在旅游文献,制图,地理学及科学教育等方面都取得了长足的进展。
- But "technology" does not include technology "in the public domain" nor "basic scientific research". 但“技术”不包括“公开领域技术”或“基础科学研究”中的技术。
- Study Design. Basic scientific investigation using radiologic, histochemical, and microscopic dissection techniques. 研究设计:利用影像学,组织化学和显微切割技术进行基础科学研究。
- It will beo f great benifit to our education cause to study his scientific education thoughts. 研究他的科学教育思想,对我们的科学教育大业必有裨益。
- In this area Jon Appleton? s thought of the integrat ion of musical and scientific education should be instructive. 应当抓紧引进国外先进主导教材,对相关专业准确定位,加以细分。 整合音乐教育与科学教育的思想,对我们极具启示性。
- The rate of the public basic scientific literacy in Liuzhou was only 0.55%, which is at a very low level. 统计结果显示:柳州市公众具备基本科学素养的比例仅为0.;55%25,远低于全国和广西平均水平。
- Film projection teams show both features and scientific educational films. 放映队既放映故事片,也放映科教片。
- Second, the initial portions of the latter chapters provide the basic scientific knowledge necessary for understanding environmental law. 接下来的一章的开始部分又提供了了解环境法所必需的基本科学知识。
- Education cheeper is mixed to scientific interest exploration spirit, answer to begin from the following respects in scientific education. 培养幼儿对科学的爱好和探索精神,在科学教育中应从以下几方面着手。
- In short, cross-disciplinary research and cross-hybridization and the whole of Western society has become the most basic scientific development. 简言之,跨学科交叉研究以及杂交化和整体化已成为当代西方社会科学发展的最基本的趋势。